Sunday, December 6, 2009

Disabled vet sues McDonalds

A disabled vet went into McDonald's to get some food and was at first denied service but after explaining it to the employees they served him but they gave him trouble with it. So the mail wrote the president about how he was disabled and how their employees pretty much denied him service. So the resolve that they put up stickers that said that dogs were not allowed but service animals were. So about a month later the man went to the same McDonald's and was served food but this time the manager told him to leave again because the were no dogs allowed. So he told the manager to go read his own sign and then tell him to come back and tell him what it said. Well the manager never came back because he knew he was wrong.
After the man was done eating as he was leaving he was attacked by the employees with trash can lids.
Now the man is suing McDonald's for their employees not respecting the American Disabled Act.

In the new story it had pictures and it clearly showed the service dog wearing its harness and it was clearly labeled, i don't understand how the employees could not understand that have a service dog was ok in business. This just showes that their is still discrimation even to the vets that serve in the arm forces and sacrfice things for us.

Monday, November 30, 2009

To fat to Graduate

I read in the news that a College, Lincoin University, are forcing their students if they have a Body Mass Index of 30 or above they are being forced to take a fitness course that meets three hours per week. Also if the students that do have a BMI of 30 or above that don't finish this course are not allowed to graduate.
They interviewed students who are both for and against this new change at Lincion. The girl that was forced to take the fitness class was angry at first then confused. she didn't go there to change her weight, she went there to get an education and to get a degree.
The one girl that had "tested out" of the fitness course said that she had no problem with the new course even though she didn't have to take it. In my opinion i think she didn't mind it because she didn't have to take it.
This course requirement i think is discriminating because it doesn't apply to everyone. Now if the college made it required for everyone then it wouldn't be so bad. Then the school would be wanting all their students to be fit and not just a select few.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Japans problem with too many dogs

In Japan their problems with too many dogs is scary. When a dog is takin in to a shelter it is only given a week to find a home if they do not find a home then the dog, 8 at a time, are but in a box and then it is filled with CO2. The man showing the reporter around said that it is very painful and is also one of the most economical ways for them to put the animals down even though it is not the most human way. Cat at the shelter are sadly only given a day to find a home so the death of cats and kittens are much higher.
People in Japan are looking for the next best thing with the dogs. Looking for the next cute and adorable instead of looking in the local shelters. The people of Japan the man said just dont understand the problem that is going on around then in the animal world when it comes to the dogs and cats on the street.
The people in Japan in my opinion need a wake up call if they have that many animals a week that are being destroyed just because non of the people want to adopt from a shelter. Instead they go to breeders which shouldnt be there because the animal percentage is already to high. The people there should be limited to the animals that can get and buy, also where they buy the too.
I just find it a sicking thought that dogs are given less than a week and the cats are given less than a day to find someone to adopt them. It just shows that people caring about the animals has decreased in some parts of the world more than others.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

blog 11-8-09

I found out more information about the 15 year old girl who was raped out side her homecoming dance. There is a law in Cali saying that it is illegal to not report a crime against a child, but the sad part is that the law only applies to child 14 and younger so the police are not allowed by law to arrest the people who did nothing but watch.
Also someone did call into the police, it was a 18 year old girl from the school who heard about from other people and she called into 911 and made the police aware when no one else would. she said she was proud of what she did and that she is not worried about being called a snitch. she also said that she was proud because if she didn't make that call that girl might have been left out there for who knows how long.
I'm happy that this girl was able to call in but it also makes me very mad that it someone who wasn't even there, who had only heard of what was going on was the one that called in and not someone who had actually watched it.
Who knows maybe after this incident people will be more willing to stand up and make a difference if they witness something.

Monday, October 26, 2009


In the news earlier the week i read about a high school in Chicago that has 115 expecting or already moms attending their school. It said that it would take up 6 pages in the year book of just moms/moms to be. Also a little tag that they added in it was that they were also turning a former crack house into a daycare for the kids.
I think this ties in with what we have discussed because we have gone over an article that talks about how young teenage girls are becoming more unruly. I think this school in Chicago needs to rethink how they are handling this situation. Now even though the girls are staying in school it just a shame that they are having kids at such a young age. I don't think they truly know the consequences of what they are doing at such a young age. I also don't think it is all of the girls fault either. I feel the boys are part to blame also. It also doesn't seems like the young teens are getting any consequences for their actions.
I was sorta sad to see this since it seems like the young moms are not given a chance to see their true potential since they now have something to hold them back.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


After reading the article in call about the Abu Ghraib and that scandal i did some more research on it and found it very appalling. In a news article i found that there was more to the it than just the pictures that they took. They made the detainees do degrading things to each other and so also frighten them. The images found on this were horrifying, and what was surprising was that the soldiers in the pictures seemed happy, like they weren't don't anything wrong. One soldier that seem to get a lot of publicity over this matter was a woman who was seen in many photos giving 2 thumbs up while standing behind a pile of detainees all of then naked or while she was working a leg wound that had appeared to be caused by a dog bit.
Another soldier that had gotten a lot of publicity was a male dog handler. It showed him threaten the detainees with the dog by having it snarl and lunge at them. He defense in court was that he was doing what he was told to do.
This whole matter i find just truly appealing. What goes through peoples heads when they are given a little bit of power is truly amazing because then they think they can get away with any thing just because they have the upper hand.
I talk to you in class and you said i should go a head and post this for the 10-18-09 date.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Things i learned in a meeting

Last night in a meeting we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about 2 events that are going on. One is The Body Image Project and that is a art exhibition on November 2 -4 in MMTH Auditorium Lobby. They are going to have the presentation about the art exhibition on November the 3rd from 7:30 - 8:30.
The next project is a Love your Body Day 2009 Poster contest.
Its to make a poster about love your body day and submit it for a small prize and then possibly have your poster createred to help with awareness.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A lil' about me

Me with the Sydney Opera House in the background

My name is Carly Lescinski, i come from a small town in Indiana but i live so close to Louisville that i can see it from a hill in hometown. I love to go horse back riding its one of my all time favorite hobbies my other favorite hobby is to travel, I've been out of the country several times and i i found it very rewarding.

I came to WKU because it was more affordable then some of my other choices and i like the idea of being only 2 hours away from home, so i still have the option of going home. I'm not really too sure what to expect from this class, this is all new to me but i think it will be a good learning experience.