Monday, November 30, 2009

To fat to Graduate

I read in the news that a College, Lincoin University, are forcing their students if they have a Body Mass Index of 30 or above they are being forced to take a fitness course that meets three hours per week. Also if the students that do have a BMI of 30 or above that don't finish this course are not allowed to graduate.
They interviewed students who are both for and against this new change at Lincion. The girl that was forced to take the fitness class was angry at first then confused. she didn't go there to change her weight, she went there to get an education and to get a degree.
The one girl that had "tested out" of the fitness course said that she had no problem with the new course even though she didn't have to take it. In my opinion i think she didn't mind it because she didn't have to take it.
This course requirement i think is discriminating because it doesn't apply to everyone. Now if the college made it required for everyone then it wouldn't be so bad. Then the school would be wanting all their students to be fit and not just a select few.

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